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all you need to know and more......

​Does Cellfood contain oxygen?


  • The answer is that Cellfood is able to generate oxygen from "splitting" the water molecule. The concentrate Is added to water and at that time begins to generate oxygen. Cellfood itself does not really contain large amounts of oxygen.

What stops the generation of oxygen and hydrogen?


  • Simply stated, when the body needs oxygen, it utilizes the oxygen needed. Since Cellfood utilizes only one five-hundred thousands of the available moisture at one time, there is usually plenty more there available to release if needed. When the proper saturation point is reached, the oxygen generation stops. (Note: you will not explode with excess amount of oxygen or hydrogen as it is not released until needed).


Why would Cellfood be preferable to just plain colloidal minerals?


  • There are many of them available in the marketplace today but only Cellfood is capable of holding 78 elements in a full aqueous solution and delivering them through ingestion to every single cell.


How is Cellfood absorbed by the body?

  • Because the nutrients in Cellfood are in colloidal form, they are rapidly absorbed by the body. Colloids are minute particles, 4-7 nanometers in diameter, suspended in liquid. Their small size, together with the Brownian movement, cause the particles to take on a negative charge and remain suspended in the liquid. The body perceives these ionic (negatively charged) colloids in solution as normal healthy body fluids and allows them to immediately pass through tissue on contact. Absorption is primarily through the sensitive tissues of the mouth, throat and esophagus, where the nutrients are transferred directly into the blood stream. Since most of the bodily fluids (like blood and lymph) are colloidal in nature and negatively charged, the similarity between Cellfood and bodily fluids increases the bio-availability of the nutrients contained in Cellfood to every cell in the body. This increased availability activity allows the body to function more normally.


​How does Cellfood taste like?


  • Cellfood has a slightly sour lemon taste and should you find this unpleasant, you can use more water or mix Cellfood with a fruit juice.


How long does it take before a person feels a difference after taking

Cellfood on a daily basis?


  • It depends totally upon the state of your body and your metabolism when you take Cellfood. If you are a healthy person with no apparent problems, a difference may only become noticeable after a few days or weeks. For those who are less healthy due to a lack of of oxygen, minerals, enzymes, etc, the benefits of taking Cellfood, may be experienced from the first day of taking it. Generally, with the regular use of Cellfood, the body starts it's own repairing process, which is noticeable from the first day to, possibly, only a few weeks later, depending on the individual and his/her particular bodily requirements.


What happens if I get no results?

  • Sometimes a person is unaware of the "work" that Cellfood is facilitating at deep cellular levels. People who first reported "no results" from taking Cellfood later reported, after physical examinations, that their cholesterol and blood pressure levels had dropped significantly. These are similar accounts regarding the normalization of uric acid and blood sugar levels.


  • Additionally, Cellfood is designed to raise the frequencies of all organs, making them more resistant to the lower frequencies of viruses, bacteria, and parasites.


What if I am already taking medicine?

  • Cellfood can be used in conjunction with other nutritional supplements or medicines because it  increases the bio-availability of these other substances enabling the body to more effectively use them. Many Cellfood users have reported within a few weeks or months of continual use, a gradual decrease in need for medication.


​Can I take it during pregnancy?


  • If you are pregnant or under medical care, please consult your medical practitioner before using.


​Can I overdose on Cellfood?

  • Yes you can, but it gives no extra benefits to the body. Cellfood is a nutritional supplement made from natural substances. The body only uses what it needs and eliminates the rest through the normal channels of elimination.


​Why should I use Cellfood, particularly when you consider that I am very healthy and physically fit?


  • Cellfood, being a super energized nutritional supplement, takes care of our systems and provides the body with the necessary energy and vitality that we are not getting from the environment in which we live.

    Even if you are healthy and fit, you still have left-over by-products resulting from incomplete combustion in your blood stream. Cellfood facilitates the process of eliminating these by-products.

    For those who are less healthy, it is time for general acceptance of the concept that, even in some terminal cases, our bodies can, given the essential building blocks, repair and reconstitute every living cell within a span of 11 months. Cellfood facilitates this process as individual body cells are nourished and cleansed of left-over by-products resulting from incomplete combustion. This cleansing process is considered essential as without it, the body remains toxic as a result of the build-up of waste products resulting in dirty cells and body fluids.


Can Cellfood be used by professional sportsman and women and does it contain banned substances?​


  • Cellfood contains no substances that are on the international, professional and amateur athletic associations' "banned list of substances". Cellfood enhances nutritional biochemical activities and brings to your body what modern living and technology is stripping away.

    Cellfood assists sportsman and women to perform better and also to reduce the recovery period after strenuous exercise. Sportsman and women are fully aware of the effect of the build-up of lactic acid and the resultant pain that this causes, especially in strained muscles. Lactic acid accumulation leads to muscle stiffness if the blood does not clear it away.

    Cellfood improves the circulation of the blood which carries the lactic acid away and brings oxygen to support aerobic metabolism. Much of the lactic acid is routed to the liver, where it is converted to glucose. A little lactic acid however remains in the muscle tissue, where it is oxidized with the help of the newly created nascent oxygen supplied by Cellfood.


When to take CellFood?


  • Cellfood can be taken at any time. Most people take it first thing in the morning before brushing their teeth or eating. Some people who suffered from bad indigestion take it just before or just after a heavy meal, and find that it dealt with the indigestion (probably the digestive enzymes at work here). Some people who sleep badly take it just before going to sleep, and find that they had a good night's sleep (probably the releasing of oxygen during the night made it unnecessary for the person to wake up from time to time due to oxygen starvation).

    Some people take it just before playing competitive sport, for that extra boost and so that the oxygen can remove the lactic acid. Some people take small doses three or more times a day to help them overcome a cold, or in time of distress. Take Cellfood as often as you particularly need it. Listen to your bodily requirements, and take it when you sense that you need to. Most people take Cellfood once a day, some take it twice or three times a day. If you have to do some strenuous work or sport; or have to stay up late at night to work, or drive somewhere, or entertain guests etc. Take an extra dose of Cellfood just beforehand to give you additional stamina

    Note, Cellfood should not be taken at the same time with prescription drugs, coffee, alcohol etc.


​How to take Cellfood? What is the amount of dosage needed? 


  • Suggested to mix Cellfood with distilled or filtered water. If you use ordinary tap water, the benefit you receive from CellFood is reduced. Boiled water should not be used. Cellfood can be mixed with juices. Some people prefer taking Cellfood by placing a few drops on the palm of their hand and licking it.

  • Each person has unique needs and responds to it in a unique manner. The recommended dosage 
    for most people; For adults; simply take about 8 drops, 1 to 3 times daily. For children that are over 
    the age of 6, simply take about 2 to 5 drops, 1 to 3 times daily. If you respond initially by detoxifying, then either reduce or increase the dosage to 4 or 12 drops depending on how comfortable you feel with the response you are experiencing. If you take fewer drops, the process of detoxification will slow down. If you take more drops, the process will accelerate.


​How long a bottle of CellFood (30ml) will last?


  • Each 30ml bottle of CellFood contains 90 servings of 8 drops each, or 720 drops in total. Each person will consume a bottle of CellFood in a month if taking 3 times daily.


Can it be applied on the skin?


  • Cellfood can also be applied externally on the skin. It can be used undiluted on bruises, warts, moles corns, scars, etc. If there's an open wound, dilute it from 1: 20 with distilled water, and apply it to the wound with mist spray. For sinus problems, it can be used like nose drops diluted 1:30 with distilled water.
    (Note: company owners use small amount of Cellfood in spa and have experienced tremendous results with softening skin and other side benefits as well as keeping spa water clean and clear.)
    In an emergency, such as oxygen deficiency, a car accident, shock, etc., a couple of drops of Cellfood can be put directly under the tongue.


How long does Cellfood last?


  • Shelf life of Cellfood is almost indefinite. Sample batches from 25 years ago have been tested and actually are improved (similar to fine wines).

    Extreme temperatures:

    Extreme cold: although freezing will cause the minerals to "drop" out of solution, simply re-shaken, the bottle will normally bring the minerals back into solution. (Note: reasonable care should be taken to guard against freezing as the container may burst with freezing and loss of product will occur.)

    Extreme heat: it is suggested to keep Cellfood from direct sunlight and extreme heat.


  • Mixing with purified water or mineral water, refrigerate or not refrigerate, open or close container?

    If the open container is left out, the solution will have a tendency to draw moisture from the atmosphere and actually weaken the solution, therefore we suggest that it should not be left out in an open container for more than a few hours. For backpacking and etc, there will not be a problem because after drinking, the container can be re-sealed.

    Note: this is also a good method for purifying water that you are somewhat uncertain about (such as from a river of- stream). Simply add 3 drops of Cellfood to I pt. of water. It will even take the "smell" out of the water and improve the taste.

    In earthquake areas (such as CA), Cellfood should be kept available to make sure that stored water is kept around for several months can be purified. (Note: It is suggested that the Cellfood should not be added until ready to use).


  • Topical use - Mix Cellfood with at least 20 parts of water and use this solution for soaking or dabbing - onto the cut, burn or affected area. (Note: company owners use small amount of Cellfood in spa and have experienced tremendous results with softening, skin and other side benefits as well as keeping, spa water clean and clear).

    This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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